Wednesday, March 8, 2023

 Proverbs 1  Wisdom... Tozer wrote.. " Wisdom, among other things, is the ability to devise perfect ends and to achieve those ends by the most perfect means. It sees the end from the beginning, so there can be no need to guess or conjecture. Wisdom sees everything in focus, each in proper relation to all, and is thus able to work toward predestined goals with flawless precision. All God's acts are done in perfect wisdom.." ( from The Knowledge of the Holy). 

Solomon wrote, " The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction." ( 1:7)  The book of Proverbs stands on this foundation.. it was written to impart "wisdom and understanding".. to instruct "in wise behavior, righteousness, justice and equity".   It is meant for the youth.. ( but is for all of us)... who are naive and lack discretion and understanding.  Just to be willing to receive "wise counsel" is a step in the right direction.  

"Hear, my son, your father's instruction, and do not forsake your mother's teaching." Wisdom starts from childhood.. learning truth from our parents.. learning to fear.. revere a Holy God and to heed His Word. 

Verses 10-19 give us the first lesson in living a prudent and wise life.. "My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent.... do not walk in the way with them.. "  
The wicked want to do evil.. they "lie in wait for blood".  They "ambush the innocent".  They steal and kill and hate.. which leads them to "ambush their own lives." 

Instead.. we need to listen to the voice of wisdom.  Verses 20-33 personify wisdom who "shouts in the street.. lifts her voice in the square.. cries out" in the streets and at the gate of the city. 
Wisdom is not elusive.. it is available if one is willing to just listen! 

When wisdom calls.. let us not refuse! 
"Turn to my reproof, behold I will pour out my spirit on you; I will make my words known to you."   Let us not neglect wise counsel or ignore godly reproof.  We need to choose wisdom.. choose to fear the Lord.. choose to accept godly counsel.. choose to listen that we might "live securely and.. be at ease from the dread of evil." 

Father in heaven, You are all wise and wisdom is from You.. so we bow before You in reverent worship.. hallowing Your Name.. for You alone are Lord of heaven and earth! Praise the Name of the Lord!  Father, we want to walk in Your ways.. the way of wisdom.. so help us to listen and to obey Your Holy word. Fill us with Your Spirit.. the Spirit of wisdom and grace.. that we might walk in Truth and become all the You will for us to be. Grant us this wisdom which is from above.. pure, peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, and without hypocrisy.. ( James 3:17)
 Thank You for this Word. Amen. 

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