Wednesday, March 22, 2023

 Proverbs 10  The wise man built his house upon the rock... but the foolish man built his house upon the sand.. Yesterday, we looked at the wise man.. today it is fitting to see the other side... 

A foolish son.. brings "grief to his mother."  He will not profit from his "ill-gotten gains."  The Lord will not indulge his wicked cravings. 

A foolish person is negligent in his work.. shameful in his responsibilities.  He will suffer for it. 

His mouth is vile and his name is rotten.  He babbles on about foolish things and is "thrown down". 

He "perverts his ways".. he makes light of trouble.. stirs up strife.. and has no understanding. 

His mouth will bring him to ruin and poverty.... punishment is his lot.  He lies and slanders.. and sins continually. "Doing wickedness  is like sport to a fool;" 

There is a "whirlwind" heading towards this wicked person and he will be destroyed. His life will be cut short. 

Lazy.. the fool is not wanted anywhere. He has no hope.. no expectation of heaven.. but only of ruin. 

There are way too many people that choose this life of wickedness and foolishness because they will not trust in God.. they have no fear of the One who made them, loves them, and will willingly save them from themselves.. from sin.. and from eternal death. 

Father in heaven,  we pray for those who are walking in this darkness.. that they might behold the Light of the world..  Give them ears to hear and to repent and be saved by the grace poured down from heaven, through Jesus Christ the Lord.  Even now, Lord, may eyes be opened and hearts changed by the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ the risen King.  We ask this in His mighty name, amen. 

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