Saturday, March 4, 2023

 Mark 13 Sitting on the Mount of Olives with His disciples, Jesus gives us a picture of what the end days will look like.. and warns us to be alert.. not mislead.  Over and over He exhorts His listeners to "take heed" and to "be on the alert." 

So, we must not be mislead by false "saviors". 

We are not to be frightened by "wars and rumors of war." 

We must not worry about being delivered to courts, governors, or kings.

We must not be anxious about our testimonies.. but trust the Spirit of God to give us the words.

We must endure to the end, even if we are betrayed by our own families. 

We must pray and be ready for the day of great tribulation. 

Again, Jesus restates His warning about "false Christs". 

Then.. will come the day that we are waiting for! 

The stars will fall.. the heavens will shake.. and we "will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory!" 

We do not know the day or hour.. but we do know that He will come for His "words will not pass away." 

Father in heaven, we are trying to "take heed" and remain alert as Jesus commanded us to do. We are looking for His return and resting on His promise.  Keep us in Your hands. Prepare us for that day.. sanctify us through and through.. preserving us "complete, without blame at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ."  You are Faithful and You will bring it to pass. Hallelujah ! Amen. 

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