Monday, March 6, 2023

 Mark 14  The time was almost there... in just a few days everything would change.. Jesus would give His life up for us.. His body would be broken. His blood would be shed. He would die on a cruel cross.. be buried in a rocky tomb.. and in three days... He would rise again!

This chapter begins with an unusual anointing.. an alabaster vial of pure nard would be poured out on His head... "She has done what she could; she has anointed My body beforehand for the burial."  

The disciples prepared for the last Passover with Jesus in a borrowed room and gave a startling announcement... that " one of you will betray Me - one who is eating with Me." 

The bread was broken. The cup was served.  Jesus gave a different meaning to both of these.. The bread was broken.. like His body would soon be.  The cup was a symbol of His blood that would soon be "poured out for many.. as  a "covenant".. a testament.. a contract. 

Peter made a promise that he would never deny Jesus.. and Jesus told him that he would not be able to keep that promise.. in fact that denial would come three times before the morning... his "spirit" was willing, but his flesh was weak.. Peter could not even keep himself awake while Jesus prayed the most important prayer.. in His distress and troubled grief. 

Judas came as the ultimate betrayer.. the soldiers came with clubs and swords.. the trial was chaotic.. the verdict a sham.. and Peter.. denied even knowing Jesus.. three times.. and left, weeping at his own failure. 

Father, one believed and prepared.. one denied and wept.. one betrayed with a kiss.. many fled from the chaos.  Some determined to do away with the Savior.. no matter what.. not even knowing that what they did would result in the salvation of many, many more.  Help me to do what I can.. for the glory of Jesus Christ. Let me believe and receive all that Jesus died to give me.. and know that He sees my failures and still loves me.  Help me to trust.. to rest in You.. to know that no matter what.. You will not leave me or forsake me.  Thank You for the grace poured out on us through Jesus Christ the Lord.  Hold us in Your hands and fill us with Your Spirit. Amen. 

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