Thursday, March 16, 2023

 Proverbs 7  This is another warning about the "wiles" of the immoral woman.  Whether we take this literally or figuratively.. this is an earnest plea for the "son" to choose wisdom and understanding over the temptations of the world. 

".. keep my words.. treasure my commandments.. and live.."  the writer tells his son.. and our Father tells us.  "Bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart.. "  This is the way to "keep you from an adulteress".   This echoes Psalm 119:11 "Thy word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against Thee.."  

As we read, meditate on, and live by our Father's Word.. we find ammunition and protection from the spiritual temptations and attacks.  It is spiritual armor.. .truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation.. through Jesus Christ. 

The naive.. the foolish.. the one without discernment and "lacking sense".. this is the one that does not turn aside from the "boisterous and rebellious" .. the one that "lurks by every corner"  with a "brazen face". We have all faced these kinds of people and perhaps have even yielded to the call of the world.. maybe not an adulteress.. but another strong spirit of sinfulness. 

We need the words of this father.. and of our heavenly Father.. "listen to me.. pay attention to the words of my mouth.. Do not let your heart turn aside.. do not stray into her paths".. for it leads to destruction  and death. 

It is so vital that we not only heed these words for ourselves.. but to teach our children and our grandchildren these truths!  This world.. our country.. is becoming more and more "boisterous and rebellious".  There is great pressure upon this current generation.. to accept what is wrong.. in God's eyes.. as right; and pressure to accept what is right.. as being wrong..  as "judgmental" or intolerant...  

This is what we need to prepare our kids and grandkids for.. by giving them the Word of God and exhorting, encouraging, and pleading with them to follow Jesus and obey His Word.  We must be praying for them every day.. so that they can choose the right path.. God's way of wisdom and life.. and not be led down the "way to Sheol".. lacking discernment and understanding that only God can give. 

Father in heaven, this is my prayer, for all of my children,  grandchildren and great-grandchildren.. that they would know You and Your Son, Jesus Christ who is the Wisdom of God, the Savior and coming King.  Let Your Word fill their hearts and minds.  Help us to be a voice of wisdom and love... and examples of grace and truth.  We pray this in the Name of Jesus our Lord. Amen. 

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