Tuesday, March 21, 2023

 Proverbs 10  The next 9 chapters of Proverbs give us contrasts between a life lived in the wisdom of God and one that is not.  Over and over Solomon teaches and preaches the blessing of living in that wisdom and the devastation of living in folly.  

A life that is lived in the wisdom of God will...make your parent's glad and deliver you from death.

 It will keep you from hunger as the Lord provides... and be seen in one's diligence and hard work. 

 The wise person will be blessed.... and their memory will be blessed after they are gone. 

They will receive commands, walk in integrity and security.. their words will be a "fountain of life". 

They will love.. and forgive..

They will be discerning and knowledgable. 

They will "have life".   As Jesus said, " .. I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly." (John 10:10) 

They will "restrain their lips".. and when they speak it will be valuable.. "as choice silver".  Their words will be like food to the hungry. 

They build their lives on solid ground.. "an everlasting foundation". They fear the Lord, have hope and gladness.. and "will never be shaken".  

"The mouth of the righteous flows with wisdom"  and "bring forth what is acceptable". 

Paul wrote that he prayed for the believers to be" encouraged".. "knit together in love".. and "attaining to all the wealth that comes from full assurance of understanding, resulting in the true knowledge of God's mystery, that is Christ Himself, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."  ( Col. 2:2-3)  

Father in heaven, grant to us this "full assurance of understanding".. that results in knowing Christ more.. that we might find the treasures of wisdom and knowledge in Him so that we can walk in righteousness.. glorifying Your Name.  We seek You and desire earnestly to live according to Your Word. Fill us Spirit of God that we might walk in wisdom and understanding.  It is all in the Name of  Jesus Christ who gives us true life that we ask these things. Amen. 

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