Thursday, March 23, 2023

 Proverbs 11   "Contrast the upright and the wicked". 

Let's start with the wicked... 

They cheat others and that is an "abomination to the Lord."
Their pride will result in them being dishonored.
Their falseness and treachery "will destroy them"
Their riches will not save them. 
Their wickedness will result in their own fall. They will be caught in their own treachery and greed.

He has no hope or expectations.
He will find himself in trouble. 
His mouth will harm his neighbors.
When he dies.. others rejoice.

Their cities are brought down by their wickedness.
They despise their neighbors and speak things that they should not. 
They have no guidance and give no guidance.
They make foolish promises and regret them. 
They use violence to gain riches and deception to earn money. 
They pursue evil to their own demise. 
They are "an abomination to the Lord" and will not go "unpunished". 
They lack discretion. 
They receive wrath. 
They withhold wages.. and food from those in need.
They trust in their own riches instead of God. 
They bring harm to their own homes. They leave no inheritance. 
They become servants to the "wise hearted."

This is true.. in our own generation.. in our country and around the world. We see it clearly with our own eyes.

Now.. let's look at the "upright"... 

They are just in their business practices.
They have humility and wisdom.
They have integrity which guides them in the way.
They receive life.. delivered from death, delivered from treachery, and delivered from greed.
They are delivered from trouble. They have knowledge that brings blessing.. to them and to their cities.
They watch what they say and are not gossips or rumor mongers.
They are trustworthy.
They seek wise counsel and find victory. 
They are gracious and honorable.
They are merciful and do good.
They "sow righteousness" and are rewarded.
They are steadfast in doing right.
They delight the Lord in all they do.
They only desire good and not evil.
They are generous and do not withhold blessings to others.
They diligently seek good.
They flourish in their righteous living. 

"The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who is wise wins souls. If the righteous will be rewarded in the earth, how much more the wicked and the sinner." 

Father in heaven, we are so thankful for Your Word.. to show us the way of life.  We see clearly the path that is narrow that leads to life and the road that is wide that leads to destruction.  Jesus has shown us this wisdom in His own life and teachings.  Help us to honor Him in all our ways.. to trust You with all of our hearts.. and to know Your counsel in every aspect of our lives.  We desire good.. we desire to delight You in our lives today.  Fill us with Your Holy Spirit.. with truth and wisdom.. that we might flourish in our land. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, the Lord and King. Amen. 

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