Tuesday, March 7, 2023

 Mark 15-16  The trial before the High priest ended.. and they found it necessary to bind Jesus.. this Man of Sorrows.. this humble, beaten, calm, peaceful One.. they tied His hands and led Him to Pilate. 

They made their accusations.. they slandered Him, blasphemed against Him, and demanded that He be crucified.  Even Pilate saw through their lies... but he could not satisfy them any other way.. but to order that Jesus be crucified.  And so He was... 



Spit on. 

Brought to the hill and nailed to a cross. 

There He died... just as He said. There He gave up His Spirit and took upon Himself our sins. There.. the cup was emptied.. the penalty paid.. It was finished.

Joseph buried Jesus in the tomb.. and the women watched carefully. They were not finished with Him yet!

Then came the morning!  The stone was rolled away.  The body was no longer there.  Jesus had risen, just as He said!  He appeared to Mary.  He appeared to His disciples. He appeared to many others. Then, He ascended into heaven.. where He waits for the time when He can come again. O Lord, haste the day!!

Father in heaven, only Jesus could take upon Himself the sins of the world.. and pay that great penalty for our eternal salvation!  What a beautiful and wonderful Savior! Thank You for this great salvation which is ours through faith in Jesus Christ. Fill us with the Spirit of Jesus to go and "preach the gospel to all creation". In Jesus' name we ask this, amen. 

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