Friday, March 10, 2023

 Proverbs 3  If I were to sum up the first two chapters of Proverbs I would say.. listen to the right Voice and not to any other voices.  The wisdom of God leads to life.. "The Lord by wisdom founded the earth; by understanding He established the heavens. By His knowledge the deeps were broken up, and the skies drip with dew."  ( 3:19-20)   God established all of creation by His wisdom.. it makes sense that the only way to live well in His creation is to walk in that wisdom.. and the only way to gain that wisdom is through His Word. 

"My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments; for length of days and years of life. And peace they will add to you. "  Solomon may have been addressing his son here... but it is also our Father in heaven saying to us, His children, don't forget.. keep my Word.. for it is life to you!

This is what walking in wisdom looks like.. 

v3 Kindness and truth cover you and fill your heart.

v5 You trust in the Lord...leaning on His understanding and not your own.. 

v6 You realize He is ever present in your walk.. in your life.. in your conversation.. "in all your ways". 

v7 You realize that you are not all wise.. but He is.. so you keep your eyes on Him.

v9-10 You honor the Lord with all that you have.. all your belongings, all your resources, everything. 

v11-12 You accept discipline and reproof.. knowing the Lord loves you and wants the best for you and from you. 

v27-29 You do good to your neighbor when you can.

v30-32 You don't start fights for no reason..or choose to live like those who do. 

This life of walking in the wisdom of the Lord is a blessing.  Verses 13-18 tell us that it is more profitable than silver or gold, more precious that jewels, and better than anything else you might desire. It leads to a "long life".. with "pleasant ways".. to "riches and honor".  Even more.. it brings security (v23), allows you to sleep in peace (v24), and helps you endure any "onslaught of the wicked" that comes your way.. for the "Lord will be your confidence". God gives grace when we are afflicted(v34).. He is intimate with us ( v32) and He will grant us honor.. (v35).  

Father in heaven, thank You for these marvelous blessings!  May we continually walk in Your Spirit of wisdom and understanding that we might honor You with all of our being.  Be our confidence.. be our every present Counselor and Keeper. Discipline us as needed. Keep talking! Give us ears to hear and hearts to receive. Thank You, Lord, for helping us to remember and to keep connected.. as the branch is connected to the vine.. We ask this in the name of Jesus, the True Vine, and our Good Shepherd. Amen. 

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