Tuesday, March 14, 2023

 Proverbs 5  The father continues to warn his son about the ways of the world.. "My son give attention to my wisdom, incline your ear to my understanding; that you may observe discretion, and your lips may reserve knowledge."  

These instructions focus on the temptations of immorality.. and the consequences.. bitterness, death, instability, loss of strength, loss of everything.. "And you groan.. when your flesh and your body are consumed.. "   Sometimes the mistress is human.. sometimes it is a different thing that we humans are seduced by.. wealth, drugs, fame... whatever idol comes into our lives and draws us away from wisdom, understanding, and discretion. 

We are reminded here that.. ".. the ways of a man are before the eyes of the Lord, and He watches all his paths.."  We do not want to choose the broad road that leads to destruction.. but to "Enter by the narrow gate.. for the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life.. " (Matthew 7:13-14) 

Father in heaven, whatever temptations come our way.. we pray for You to lead us away.. lead us in paths of righteousness for Your Name's sake.  Deliver us from the evil one and guide us into Your wisdom. Write Your words on our hearts and flood our minds with what is "true.. honorable..right.. pure.. lovely.. of good repute.. excellence and praise worthy" ( Phil. 4:8).  We ask this is the Name that is above all names, the Name of Jesus Christ, our Risen Lord. Amen. 

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