Friday, March 24, 2023

 Proverbs 12  Verse 28 says, "In the way of righteousness is life.. "  This chapter continues to contrast the way of life and the way of destruction..  

"Choose life.. " the Lord said to Israel.. "See I have set before you today life and prosperity, and death and adversity; in that I command you  today to love the Lord your God, to walk in His ways and to keep His commandments.. that you may live.. So choose life.. by loving the Lord your God, by obeying His voice and by holding fast to Him... " ( Deuteronomy 30: 15-20)

Solomon is telling us the same thing in Proverbs.. he is setting out the path of wisdom and righteousness so that his readers will choose life.  From this chapter we learn that this means:

That we love discipline and knowledge.
That we do good and obtain God's favor.
That we are established in righteousness.
That we bring honor and not shame to our families.
That are thoughts are just and not deceitful. 
That our words are upright. 
That our homes stand firm in righteousness.
That we have honorable insights and not perverse thinking. 
That we don't think too highly of ourselves. 
That we care for our animals with compassion.
That we take responsibility for our own needs by working hard. 
That we will receive the fruits of our toil and be satisfied. 
That we will be delivered from troubles.
That we will listen to wise counsel. 
That we will be careful when we speak.. always truthful and right. 
That we will use our words to heal and not harm.
That we will have peace and joy in our hearts. 
That we will be a delight to the Lord.
That we will offer good words to the anxious and righteous guidance to those around us.

Most of all, we will be diligent to walk in His pathways.. so that we might have Life.

Father in heaven,  may we delight You today.. choosing to walk in Your paths.. obeying Your Word. Fill us once again Holy Spirit, so that we might live according to the wisdom of the Lord our God.  We choose to love You with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength.. to love our neighbors as ourselves.. and to hold fast to Jesus as we trust You to hold fast to us. amen. 

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