Tuesday, January 31, 2023

 Psalm 140  David records this prayer.. and I am reminded that there is truly nothing new under the sun..  He speaks of "violent men".. of those who "devise evil things in their hearts".. who "continually stir up wars."   They have sharp tongues. Poisonous words. Wicked purposes.  They hunt and trap the innocent.  We understand those images.. because we turn on the news.. and there they are!

Let us join David in this prayer. 

v1 "Rescue me".. he prays.  Pull off.. deliver.. strengthen.. equip.. arm us.. for we have a violent enemy. 

"Preserve me"..  guard, maintain, conceal us.. for we live in the midst of evil men.. and women. 

v4 "Keep me".. protect us.. regard us.. hedge us about with Your hands.. out of the hands of the wicked. 

"Thou art my God; Give ear, O Lord, to the voice of my supplications. O God the Lord, the strength of my salvation, Thou hast covered my head in the day of battle."(v6-7)    Paul wrote about putting on the full armor of the Lord ( Eph. 6:10-17).. and it here we discover the "helmet of salvation".. It is Jehovah Adonai.. the self-existent and self-sufficient.. infinite and perfect One who covers our heads. Hallelujah!

By this we can have confidence and hope and can proclaim along with David:

V12 "I know that the Lord will maintain the cause of the afflicted, and justice for the poor.  Surely the righteous will give thanks to Thy name; The upright will dwell in Thy presence. " 

Father in heaven, You see us and know us perfectly.  You are before us and behind us.. encircling us with Your blessed Presence.  Hear our prayers and renew our strength.. that we might "stand firm against the schemes of the devil."  Your Word tells us that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the evil ones.. the "spiritual forces of wickedness".  Therefore, we take up the armor that You have provided.. truth, righteousness,  the gospel of peace, the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit.. taking the helmet of salvation that You have given to cover our heads. Let us persevere and be encouraged in the grace that You have poured out on us. Thank You, Lord of heaven and earth. Be exalted in all things... in all of Your people.. in every nation. Amen. 

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