Monday, January 23, 2023

 Psalm 131  A child's heart.. innocent of the arrogance that comes all too soon.. uninvolved with the complications of life.. unworried about the things that are "too difficult".. composed.. quieted.. comforted.. secure in his mother's arms..   This is the picture of one who places his "hope in the Lord". 

Father, we would have such trust in You.. waiting.. resting.. hoping... in You. 

Psalm 132  David desired to build the temple.. he did everything he could to prepare for it, but was not allowed to be the builder.  That would fall upon the shoulders of Solomon. But, Solomon failed to keep the covenant.. and so did his son.. and his grandsons.. and every generation after them.  Yet, the promise to  David.. for a "son" to "sit upon his throne forever".. was kept after all.. in Jesus Christ.. Son of David, King forever.   For this reason.. the "godly ones will sing aloud for joy."  He is our "living hope"!

Psalm 133 Brotherly love.. unity.. is precious.. it is a blessing.. it is "like the dew of Hermon, coming down the mountains of Zion."  Refreshing.. life sustaining.  God given.  Found in the One who is our only hope. 

Psalm 134  The final psalm of Ascents... a blessing... a fervent prayer.. praise to the Lord "He who made heaven and earth." 

To these prayers.. we say "Amen".

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