Wednesday, January 11, 2023

 Psalm 119:57-112    "The Lord is my portion.." the psalmist writes... my allotment, my inheritance... Jeremiah made this same statement in Lamentations 3:24 "The Lord is my portion, says my soul, therefore I have hope in Him."  This statement in Lamentations follows those well know verses.. "The Lord's lovingkindnessses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is His faithfulness." (v22-23) 

Because of Who the Lord is.. the Almighty God who has revealed Himself in His Holy Word.. we can have hope.. and that hope is made know to us through the Word.  As Peter wrote, we have been born again to a "living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead."   A living hope - an anticipated expectation of Life.. through Jesus Christ who is the Living Word.  

This is the reason that the Psalmist writes about the excellencies of the Word.  This is why he vows to keep it; that he longs to know it; that he values it above all silver and gold. 

The Word is:

the promise of hope and grace

the source of help and salvation

the way of discernment and knowledge

the fountain of goodness and truth

It brings comfort and faithfulness. 

It is "settled in heaven" and "continues throughout all generations." 

It is a "lamp to my feet and a light to my path"

It is the "joy of my heart". 

This is the message of Psalm 119.  May we not miss it.. It is a long psalm.. It is repetitious.  But it is rich in truth that we need to grasp even more. Do we know its value? Do we long for its sweetness? Do we treasure it like the psalmist did?  

Father in heaven, Giver of life and truth, thank You for the Holy Word that has been preserved for us, down through many generations. Thank You for opening our eyes to the delights of Your Word. Teach us more.. grant us the grace to pursue it and to walk in it every moment of every day.  We ask this in Jesus' name. amen. 

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