Tuesday, January 10, 2023

 Psalm 119:41-56

The psalmist has determined to put his trust in the Word of the Lord.  It is his hope for salvation and guides his steps in all he does. But, he realizes that this is a commitment that must be made.. day by day and hour by hour.. so he continues to pray for the "lovingkindnesses" of the Lord:

.. so that he can answer those who reproach him.. v42

.. so that "the word of truth" will be continually in his mouth. v43

.. so that he can keep the law continually.. v44

.. so that he can walk "in liberty"... v45

.. so that he can speak of God's word "before kings" and "not be ashamed".. v46

The psalmist continually delights in God's Word..  "which I love" he says, " And I will meditate on Thy statutes." 

The Word of God has brought hope and comfort and revival ( v49-50) to the psalmist in the midst of derision by others.  He makes the Word his song and meditates on it through the long nights... "This has become mine.." he proclaims. (v56) 

Father in heaven, help us to make this lifelong.. continual commitment to read, study, meditate on and delight in Your Word until we can also say.. "This has become mine."  Your Word is altogether wonderful and a vast treasure!  May we really understand how vital it is to abide in Your Word. May we abide in Jesus and the Word.. keeping Your commandment to love one another.. bearing much fruit for Your glory. Let Your Word be in our hearts, on our lips, and reflected in every area of our lives, by the power of Your Spirit who lives in us and teaches us all truth through the Word.  We ask this in the Name of Jesus, the Living Word. Amen. 

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