Friday, January 13, 2023

 Psalm 120  This psalm begins the Songs of Ascents, the songs sang along the way as the pilgrims headed to Jerusalem for the appointed feasts. 

The pilgrims begin their journeys in a place of trouble..  yet, also in faith... "In my trouble I cried to the Lord, and He answered me."  What was the trouble?  Lying, deceitful, war-loving enemies. "Woe is me... too long has my soul had its dwelling with those who hate peace..."  the psalmist cries. 

As pilgrims along the journey of life.. we have run into our share of lying, deceitful and unpeaceful people. We no longer trust the words of the media.. or politicians.. or even certain "religious" leaders.  We grow tired of the troubles that are around us.. the lies.. the hatefulness.. the violence.. and the impurity. 

Like the pilgrims headed to Jerusalem, let us proclaim this truth.. " I cried to the Lord, and He answered me."  He has a destination in store for us and He will get us there. We put our trust in Him every step along the way and keep on singing.. and praying.. and waiting on His deliverance. 

Father in heaven, we look forward to the day when there will be no more troubles.. no more lies.. no more war.  We trust in You, that You will hear our prayers and bring us Home.  May we run the race set before us, rejoicing in Your faithfulness and provision.  May we rest in the Truth that You never leave us or forsake us, but that You give us peace that passes all understanding in Christ Jesus.  Whatever troubles we face today.. may we remember that You have given us a shield of faith.. and let us use it! In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. 

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