Friday, January 20, 2023

 Psalm 125  Lord God, Creator of heaven and earth,  surround us.. "from this time forth and forever."  May we not be moved. May we persevere through every step we take on this journey through life. Remove the "scepter of wickedness" from our land. Let the righteous ones.. believers in Christ Jesus.. do right.  Do good to us and keep us upright in heart.  Let us know Your peace. 

Psalm 126  Lord God, Deliverer and Redeemer,  You have done great things for us and we are glad.  Glad in the Truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ who restored us to fellowship with You, our Father and God.  Lord, if we sow with tears.. let us reap with "joyful shouting".. because of Your goodness to us. 

Psalm 127   Lord God, Builder of our houses.. all we do on our own.. is vanity.  Only as Your perfect will is done will we see blessing and fruitfulness.  Thank You for the gift of children.. even if we don't have a quiver full.. each one is precious to us and precious in Your sight. Thank You. 

Psalm 128  Father God, we are blessed as we walk in Your ways with fear and awe.  Thank You for food to eat, for homes to shelter us, and for families to love and care for.  Thank You for the gift of grandchildren.  Bless them with a hunger and thirst for You.. to walk in Your ways and to have thankful hearts.  May they thrive.. may they be rich in kindness.. in compassion.. in faith.. in love.. and in hope... in the Truth of Jesus Christ the Lord!

Psalm 129  Father God,  You are righteous. We bless Your holy Name. 

Psalm 130  Father in heaven,  hear our voices as we cry out to You.  Hear our prayers for forgiveness and for restoration.  We wait on You and put our hope in Your Word.  Your lovingkindness is everlasting.  With You there is "abundant redemption".  Hallelujah ! Thank You!

In all these psalms.. we lift up our hearts to You. Draw us nearer. Fill our lives and thoughts with the wonder of Your love and grace towards us.  In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. 

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