Wednesday, January 25, 2023

 Psalm 136  This psalm echos the thoughts of Psalm 135.. but punctuates it with the phrase, "For His lovingkindness is everlasting".. repeated in every verse.  The psalmist had exhorted the people to praise the Lord.. for His goodness.. His greatness.. His compassion etc.  Now, we are called to give thanks for those same characteristics found in our God.. "Give thanks to the Lord for He is good;" 

We are thankful.. thankful for the goodness of our God.. thankful that He is "God of gods" and "Lord of lords."   We are thankful for His "great wonders".. for the skillful creation of the heavens and the earth.  We are thankful for the Word that tells of His power to move nations.. to redeem His people.. and to pour out justice on those who do wrong. 

But... most of all we are thankful for He "remembered us in our low estate."  That He "rescued us from our adversaries".. and that He provides all that we need for life. 

"Give thanks to the God of heaven, for His lovingkindness is everlasting." 

Tozer wrote this, "From God's other known attributes, we may learn much about His love.  We can know, for instance, that because God is self-existent, His love had no beginning; because He is eternal, His love can have no end; because He is infinite, it has no limit; because He is holy, it is quintessence of all spotless purity; because He is immense, His love is an incomprehensibly vast, bottomless, shoreless sea before which we kneel in joyful silence and from which the loftiest eloquence retreats confused and abashed."  ( From The Knowledge of the Holy)

Yes, we give thanks to the God of heaven.. for His lovingkindness.. His great boundless love.. is everlasting. 

Father in heaven,  bind our hearts to Yours with this perfect love.  We cling to You. We delight in You. We are so very thankful for Your love poured out on us through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 

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