Tuesday, January 3, 2023

 Psalm 116   Perhaps this psalm would make a good new year's resolution.. a proclamation of faith to start out the beginning of another year in the life of us pilgrims.. 

Let us start by declaring our love for the Lord.. "because He hears... [our] voices and [our] supplications." v1

Let us declare our intentions to "call upon Him as long as [we] live." v2

Let us testify of how He  rescued us from the "cords of death".. when we were in "distress and sorrow". v3

Let us praise His name.. for He heard our cries and saved our lives!  "Gracious is the Lord, and righteous; Yes, our God is compassionate. "v4-5

Because God "preserves the simple".. He brings us low.. He gives us rest.. He deals bountifully with us. v6-7

Because of His grace.. we are rescued from death.. He has dried our tears.. He has kept us from stumbling. v8

Let us vow to "walk before the Lord in the land of the living."  v9

Let us "lift us the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord. " v13

Let us pay our vows.. offering sacrifices of thanksgiving and praise in the midst of the people.. in the congregation.. in the courts.. in the city.. v14

Let us act as the servants of God that we are.. knowing that He has freed us from the bonds of sin and that when the day comes that He calls us home we can be assured that "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His godly ones." v15

Father in heaven, Holy and Almighty Creator, and Gracious God.. thank You for giving us Life in Jesus Christ our Savior.. for because He lives.. we have life eternal.  We praise You and determine to live for You this new year.  Help us to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.  Help us to walk in faith and to live fruitful lives of service to the glory of His name.  Anoint us by Your Spirit that Your perfect, acceptable, and good will can be known and accomplished in our simple lives.. for all power, glory and honor belongs to You.  Let Your Words abide in us and us in You this day.. this year.. we pray... in the powerful name of Jesus. Amen. 

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