Thursday, January 26, 2023

 Psalm 137  This song turns us from the previous ones which were full of praise and thanksgiving.. for it is one of sorrow and grief.  It recalls the tears shed in captivity.. the grief over the loss of Jerusalem, the beautiful city.. devastated by the enemies of Israel. 

There is no praise or thanksgiving in this psalm. There is not even a prayer except for verse 7  "Remember, O Lord, against the sons of Edom, the day of Jerusalem, who said, 'Raze it, raze it.'"  The psalmist goes on to bless the one who would repay Babylon for the evil it accomplished. 

How do we relate to this psalm?  We do not have this kind of grief.. but we do experience sorrow in our own lives. We may have experienced our own sort of exile.. separation from home.. from loved ones.. and even at times.. a feeling of separation from God. 

Perhaps what we can gain from this psalm is that this kind of lament.. pouring out the grief in our hearts.. is just as important as the songs of praise and thanks.. for it is reaching out to the heart of our Lord.. looking to Him.. trusting Him with our sorrows. 

Again, I  turn to Tozer's writings.. "Nothing that has occurred or will occur in heaven or earth or hell can change the tender mercies of our God. Forever His mercy stands, a boundless, overwhelming immensity of divine pity and compassion. As judgement is God's justice confronting moral inequity, so mercy is the goodness of God confronting human suffering and guilt. Were there no guilt in the world, no pain and no tears, God would yet be infinitely merciful; but His mercy might well be hidden in His heart, unknown to the created universe. No voice would be raised to celebrate the mercy of which none felt the need. It is human misery and sin that call forth divine mercy." ( From The Knowledge of the Holy.)

Father in heaven, even as we walk through the valleys at times, may we lay hold of Your great mercy made available to us through Jesus Christ our Lord.  May we truly believe that You are a merciful God who loves us with unending love.. Who has compassion on us.. even if we bring suffering upon ourselves.  Fill our hearts with faith and hope... May we "fix [our] hope completely on the grace to be brought to [us] at the revelation of Jesus Christ." (1 Peter 1:13) Thank You for being patient and kind... our God of great love and grace. Help us to stand convinced that You have a plan.. that You will fulfill Your purposes for each of us. Help us to know without doubt that You will turn our mourning into dancing! You are faithful. You are good.  Thank you and praise Your Holy Name. Amen. 

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