Thursday, June 27, 2019

Matthew 6:8-13  The Lord is teaching me, once again, about true prevailing prayer.  Effective praying that accomplishes much is our calling and God's will for us.  Taking all that He has brought to my heart through this passage, this is my "translation":  

Our Father, who sits on the lofty and exalted throne of heaven, 
surrounded by radiance and beauty,
worshiped by the angels and elders, 
with lightning and thunder and majestic glory:

Uphold the holiness of Your name. 
May we (humankind) understand Who You are.
May we acknowledge and honor You in truth and with 
godly fear. 

Let Your kingdom come in power, 
with Your glory and majesty manifested in us, 
so that Your will is done fully on earth
as it is in heaven.
We pray that the wonders and glory and majesty that 
are constant and perfect in heaven-
would be done right here, right now,
in us and in our family and in our church
and in our world!
May the Kingdom of Your Beloved Son
overcome the dominion of darkness....

Father, we ask that You, who knows what we need today, 
will provide by Your gracious Hand. 
We completely depend on You.
Thank You!

Father, forgive us for any sins, wrongs, debts...
anything that blocks the way between us and You. 
Your Word says that if we confess our sins that
You are faithful to forgive us and to cleanse us 
from all unrighteousness. 
Thank You. 

Father, is there is anything blocking my way to my 
friend or brother or anyone?
I forgive them now and ask that You forgive me for 
holding anything against that person. 
Help me to make it right. 

Father, keep me from being carried away by the lusts/desires
of the flesh.  Help me not to be deceived by the worldly
pressures and passions that are empty cisterns and lead to death, 
for You alone offer the Living Water that leads to life. 

Rescue me, Lord, from the evil one who comes to steal, kill, and destroy.
Make me victorious through Christ Jesus
who is greater and who lives in me. 

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