Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Genesis 20-23  Abraham seems to wander around the country once again.  He goes south and stays a while in Gerar (20:1)  There he deceives Abimelech by telling him that Sarah is his sister.  But, God protects Sarah and straightens it all out...  Then, Sarah gives birth to Isaac and Hagar is sent away with Ishmael again.  Abraham settles in Beersheba for a while.

When God tells Abraham to offer Isaac, he is led to Mount Moriah.. to the north.  By the time of Sarah's death, Abraham is again living in Hebron, where he buys the land to bury her.  Eventually Abraham remarries and has 6 more sons.  When he dies Isaac and Ishmael, together, bury him in the cave with Sarah.

Abraham had his share of blunders and mistakes.. but God chose to bless him for the times he made the right choices.. when he believed God's promises and when he obeyed God's commands.

God was not easy on Abraham:

God asked Abraham to leave his country and travel to an unknown place.
He made Abraham wait until he and Sarah were too old to have children and then gave them a son.
He allowed Sarah to send Hagar and Ishmael away, although it is apparent that Abraham loved his son.
He experienced wars, famines, and struggles.
Then,  God asked him to sacrifice his son Isaac.. and Abraham obeyed, until the angel stopped him.

The promises to Abraham were kept, but he did not live long enough to see even the beginning of the nation that would proceed from him.  Hebrews 11 includes Abraham, who by faith, left his country:
lived "as an alien in the land of promise";  and "was looking for the city which has foundations, whose architect and builder is God." 

The greatest thing that Abraham did was that last one... looking forward to eternity with God Himself.  The land, the riches, the nation of people, the fame... these were secondary and had no meaning except that God would be glorified...

Our lives are as much in God's hands as Abraham's was.  Life on planet earth is not easy.  We move here and there. We deal with relationship issues.  We struggle with financial, emotional, and social problems.  We are disappointed and discouraged at times.  We feel like aliens in our world.. more and more as we become separated to God and belong to the Kingdom of Christ.

Father in heaven,  may we have faith, like Abraham.. to obey Your every command, to stay firm in our faith in You; and to keep our eyes on the Kingdom that is to come.  Lord Jesus, come quickly!

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