Thursday, June 20, 2019

Matthew 5 - Jesus is teaching to the multitude,  Jewish men and women who gathered around Him to hear from Him, but also to receive from Him - healing, deliverance, and help.

Starting in verse 13, Matthew records for us some very strong statements - commandments, if you will - that Jesus teaches.  He is not calling people to an easy life or to prosperity and riches.  He calls those who want to follow Him to a higher standard - a life that must be completely surrendered and empowered by God.

v13  The nation of Israel was supposed to be salt - but had become "tasteless".  They were supposed to be light - but they were hidden.  Jesus says that this is worthless!  He called them.. and us.. to let our "light shine before men in such a way that they might see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven." 

How do we let our light shine? What good works?   Jesus says that it is a "righteousness" that "surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees." -  a life that doesn't abolish the Law, but that keeps it and teaches it - in His power, as He commands.

Jesus teaches us that fulfilling the Law, having a greater righteousness ...  is going beyond " You shall not commit murder".  He says.. He commands.. us to not be angry with our brother, to not curse him or call him a fool. He commands us to reconcile with our brothers and to make friends with our opponents.

Likewise, Jesus commands that we take our thoughts under control - not just avoiding the act of adultery but the thoughts that lead up to it. Even if we have to sacrifice an eye or a hand.. In other words, we are to seriously, diligently, even violently protect our thought-life and remain pure.

Jesus teaches the sacredness of marriage and the sinfulness of divorce.  He commands us to keep our vows.  In fact, He teaches us that we should not  make vows by swearing on things that we don't control anyway.  In other words, stop lying!  Stop making promises that you won't keep!

Jesus commands us to "not resist him who is evil" -  don't fight back.  The evil person who wants to fight, the one who wants to take your shirt, the one who wants to use you as a slave, or the one who wants to borrow from you....  yield, surrender, give... willingly. 

Jesus commands us to love our enemies.  To pray for them.  To copy our Father's gracious example.
To be like Him.. perfect.

This is what the righteousness  of Jesus looks like.  Jesus lived a perfect, sinless, righteous life.. to be our perfect example.  He knows we are unable to live this kind of life on our own. But, by His death and resurrection, we have been given His righteousness.  A free gift... that covers us completely, when we receive it though faith..

Oh how great is our God!  Write Your commands on our hearts and engrave them in our minds that we might walk in the righteousness of Jesus our Lord!  May the righteousness of Jesus fill us completely.. even as the Word tells us: " For in Him all the fulness of Deity dwells in bodily form, and in Him you ( we) have been made complete ( full) and He is the head over all rule and authority.."
 Colossians 2:9-10) You have canceled our debt!  You have paid the price we owe.  We are hidden in You, Jesus!  We are covered by Your righteousness!  Thank You !  Amen and Amen!

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