Monday, June 17, 2019

Matthew 1-3  Decisions are important...

Joseph decided to protect Mary.
He listened to the warnings - first taking Mary to be his wife; then taking her to Bethlehem; then to Egypt and then to Nazareth.

Mary chose to submit to the Lord's will and give birth to the Son of God.

The wise men chose to follow the star and to worship the King.

Herod chose to kill all the children in Bethlehem..

John preached repentance.
He baptized those who confessed their sins.
But, when the Pharisees and Sadducees came, he warned them that true repentance would result in good fruit and they were being false.  Judgement comes to the hypocrites.

Jesus came to John and submitted to his baptism in obedience to the Father.
He had no need for repentance for he had no sin.  He fulfilled " all righteousness " by obeying.
As Jesus came out of the water of baptism ( overwhelmed by the water) - He was "overwhelmed" by the Spirit, who descended like a dove and came upon Him.
The Father responded, " This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased." 

So, what do we hear the Lord saying to us? How do we obey?
We decide to follow Jesus as He leads us - in relationships, in locations,  and in truth.
We need to be acknowledge our sins and truly repent, lest we just go through the motions like the hypocrites do.
We need to submit to being overwhelmed by the Lord - to be baptized for repentance and to be baptized by the Holy Spirit.

Conscious.. deliberate.. decisions to walk in obedience to the Word of God.

Father, we want to live by faith so that we might please You.  Overwhelm us with the Spirit of our Lord so that we might have eyes to see and ears to hear and hearts to obey.  May we bear the fruit of righteousness.  May Your name be exalted in all the earth as Your children walk in the ways of Your Beloved Son. Amen.

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