Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Matthew 5  begins what we call the Sermon on the Mount.  Broken into 3 chapters, Matthew writes down for us the message that Jesus taught as He traveled through Galilee and beyond.  This message is key to understanding the "gospel of the kingdom".

To be "blessed" - fully satisfied; being certain of salvation and thus a member of the Kingdom of God ( Holman's Bible Dictionary) - we MUST:

First, be "poor in spirit" - recognizing our absolute spiritual poverty, helpless to save ourselves.
We must "mourn"  - genuinely sorrow over our sinful condition;  not just regret, but mourning;
We must become "gentle" - humble - putting down any self-righteousness and pride.
We can then become hungry and thirsty for true righteousness, that which Christ alone can provide.
We will begin to reflect His mercy, His purity, and His peace.
We will also face His persecution, insults, and false accusations.

Recently read this quote attributed to D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones about true repentance: " Repentance means that you realize that you are a guilty , vile sinner in the presence of God, that you deserve the wrath and punishment of God, that you are hell-bound.  It means that you begin to realize the this thing called sin is in you, that you long to get rid of it, and that you turn your back on it in every shape and form.  You renounce the world whatever the cost, the world in its mind and outlook as well as its practice, and you deny yourself, and take up the cross and go after Christ. "

Our Christ calls us to true repentance so that we might enter His Kingdom.  He calls for us to do more than walk an aisle or sign a paper.  We must recognize the fact that we are deserving the full wrath of our Holy God, that we have no way to change our situation, and that unless He saves us, we will suffer eternal damnation.  Oh, the grace and mercy of our God!! He has sent His Beloved Son, to bring us to true repentance, so that we can find in Him forgiveness of all our sin.  He has given us His righteousness. He alone saves those who place their faith completely in Him.

Father in heaven, we hallow Your Name. We desire Your Kingdom and Your will.  Thank You for calling us to Yourself so that we can be saved.  Teach us all of Your ways and strengthen us by Your Spirit so that we may walk in step with Jesus Christ, our Lord.  amen.

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