Thursday, June 13, 2019

Genesis 41-45  Joseph goes from being forgotten in prison to being second in authority over all of Egypt.  God's plan had Joseph in place for 13 years before he was moved into the position that would fulfill  the dreams he was given when he was a young boy.  Joseph's love for his family never wavered.  Even though they had treated him terribly, he did not hold it against them.  He did, however, test them.  The fact that both Reuben and Judah stepped up to intervene on behalf of Benjamin, shows a remarkable change.

Sometimes I wonder why God wanted Israel in Egypt at all.  It was in His plan all along, but it seems it would have been so much better if they would have stayed in Canaan. God's ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not like ours at all.  Bringing the nation of Israel out of Egypt with the powerful works of His might... wouldn't have happened if they had not gone down to Egypt in the first place.

We wonder why God moves us to places and puts us in circumstances that are difficult sometimes.  We can have the assurance that His plan is for our good and it will reveal Him in ways that we couldn't know otherwise.

Father, thank You for being in control and for knowing what is best for me.  Thank You for revealing Your love and power and grace to me through all circumstances that You have led me into.  May I be melted, moved, molded, and reformed into the likeness of my Lord Jesus, by Your power and in Your loving kindness.  Amen.

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