Thursday, June 6, 2019

Genesis 27-28  God chose Jacob and not Esau.  He knew that Jacob would take the birthright and the blessing from their father Isaac... away from his brother.  God knew about the deception and trickery that would be used.  But, he still chose Jacob.  Even when Jacob had the dream where he met God and saw the ladder to heaven, and wasn't the kind of man that he should be... at least what we think he should have been... God was choosing Jacob.

 God had a plan for Jacob. That plan would be accomplished in ways that were beyond Jacob's ability to bring about.  God also gave Jacob a promise and established a covenant with him. There would come a time when Jacob would truly worship the Lord with his heart and not just with his mouth, when he would no longer be known as a deceiver. But it would be in God's time and through difficulties that he would be transformed into the man called Israel.

Lord God, maker of heaven and earth, Holy and righteous are You.   Your plans are perfect and beyond our understanding.  You know each of us completely.. and You know what we will become as we are transformed by Your power and love and grace..  Accomplish Your good and perfect will in us today. May Christ be all!  Amen.

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