Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Genesis 37  Joseph, Rachel's son, was Jacob's favorite.  Rachel had been the love of his life and Jacob favored Joseph, probably because of that reason. But, also Joseph was special.  There was something in him that the others did not have.  He shared the dreams with his brothers and he innocently went to them as instructed by his father.  The fact that they plotted to kill him, shows the sinfulness of their hearts.  Only Reuben, the oldest, seems to have any compassion for Joseph, yet he had committed an awful offense of his own.

Jacob, now known as Israel, was to father a nation that would be the people of God... yet all of his sons were evil, except for Joseph!  ( and maybe Benjamin.. )  Jacob's sorrow for the loss of his son Joseph was tragic beyond what the brothers could have imagined. But, did they care?

Genesis 38 is a story about Judah, again revealing his sinful character.. with sons so evil that the Lord took the lives of the first two.. who knows what happened to the third one.  He has twin boys, born to his daughter-in-law, after failing to provide for her as he should have.  Not a man of godly character at all.

Genesis 39-40 tells us about the beginnings of Joseph's life in Egypt.  The most important thing is that the Lord was with Joseph.  As a servant and as a prisoner, Joseph was blessed by the Lord.  Because of God's kindness and blessing, Joseph was favored by those in authority over him.  God does a unique work in Joseph, and we finally see someone from Abraham's descendants who actually has a relationship with Him.

Father in heaven,  be with us as You were with Joseph, that we might serve You faithfully as he did. No matter where we are and no matter who is against us.. may we know without doubt that You are for us and You will not forsake us.  Let our faith be multiplied and our love grow deeper.  We are Your children and we want to serve You with integrity, honesty, and humility.  Draw us close to You, closer every day we pray.  Amen!

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