Monday, June 10, 2019

Genesis 33-35  Jacob and his family finally meet with Esau.. which goes way better than Jacob expected.. Then they move to Shechem, which turns into a mess!  Finally, God directs Jacob, now called Israel, back to Bethel.. back to the place they first met.

Israel experiences more sorrows.. Rachel, his most beloved wife, dies in childbirth and his father Isaac dies at the age of 180; and his son Reuben sleeps with Bilhah..

  But, Israel also receives the promises of God.. the promise of a nation, of "a company of nations";  and the promise of a land and kings from his people.

More struggles are ahead for the man Israel.. and many for the nation Israel.

Father, may we learn, like Jacob to keep coming back to You.. through the trials and through the joys of life.. may we draw ever closer to You. Keep us from turning away in fear, worry, or doubt.  May we rest on Your promises, knowing that You are faithful.  Help us to be overcomers... clinging to Your word and walking in obedience. Amen.

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