Friday, June 21, 2019

Matthew 6 Jesus continues teaching the truths of God's kingdom.. and what God's people need to do, or not do.  This chapter focuses on religious practices.  Jesus teaches us the difference between what God's will is and what people do to show off!

People who show off their "righteousness" may:
blow a trumpet while they give to the poor... advertise their philanthropy..
pray in public so that they gain attention... advertise their supposed connection to God..
put on an act of gloominess while fasting, so everyone can see... seek attention for their great sacrifices.

Jesus tells us to give in secret, pray in secret, and fast in secret. Do these things so that only the Father can see.   If we do these things for Him, then He will be pleased.. and He will even reward us.
But, if we do it for people.. then the only reward is from them.. which is meaningless.

Jesus also adds in here instructions about praying. Prayer is not supposed to be "meaningless repetitions".  Words without a true relationship with God won't accomplish anything.  The model that Jesus gives us is all about Him... not about our needs and wants.

Jesus says that we are praying to "Our Father, who is in heaven".  We are coming into the throne room of heaven.  Isaiah described his vision like this, " I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, lofty and exalted, with the train of His robe filling the temple." When Ezekiel had a vision of heaven he also describe this high throne, saying, " As the appearance of the rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the surrounding radiance.  Such was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord." It caused him to fall on his face. John described Him like this, " And He who was sitting was like a jasper stone and a sardius in appearance; and there was a rainbow around the throne, like an emerald in appearance . " Lightning, thunder, angels, elders... and worship surround the Great Throne of our God.  And we are invited.. even instructed.. to address our God as our Father in heaven.

How can we come so casually in prayer, listing all our needs and wants, without even stopping to think about Who we are addressing when we pray?  I am guilty of this.  Murmuring a few words of thanks over a meal. Reciting a list of loved ones and asking for His blessings..  Wanting the Lord God Almighty to do what I want... instead of coming before Him to worship.  We are supposed to  start with worship - to hallow His name means to both love and to revere Him.  His Name is not like any other.  He is the holy God, the Creator of heaven and earth, our Maker, our King, and our Gracious Father.  We can at least think about this for a moment.. and acknowledge Him when we pray, can't we?  WE MUST!

Father in heaven,  You are holy and exalted. Forgive our ignorance and lack of reverence in our praying.  We don't want to be praying words that have no meaning, in vain repetition.  We want to come into Your Presence and worship You with hearts of love and devotion and deep reverence and respect.  May we learn from our gracious Savior's example and pray like Him. Amen.

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