Friday, June 7, 2019

Genesis 29-32  Jacob lived in Haran for 20 years.  He left with 4 wives, 11 sons and 1 daughter, great numbers of sheep, goats, camels, and cattle, plus many servants.   Laban had used and deceived Jacob and Jacob deceived Laban by leaving without warning.  It is not until Jacob settles the matter between him and Laban that he starts to think about confronting Esau.

Jacob prepared for this fearful confrontation..
He sent gifts ahead.
He sent his family away from him for safety.
And, he stayed alone.... perhaps preparing himself for what lay ahead.

At this turning point in his life, Jacob meets God and wrestles with Him. He has already been told by God that He would be with him and prosper him... But, here is something deeper, something more profound.  Two things stand out: first, Jacob's name is changed to Israel ( he who strives with God); and secondly, his hip is dislocated as he wrestled. Two permanent reminders of God's presence and sovereignty in his life.

Jacob learned that he had to hold on to God. God would be with him, but he needed to do something too - hold on!  Isn't this what God desires for all of us?   Hold on!  Persevere!  Run the race! Fight the good fight!  Be steadfast!  Don't turn away.  Don't get distracted by lesser things. Don't lose your first love. Don't be deceived.  Be diligent... trust and obey!

Father, may Your Spirit give us understanding and strength that we might abide in You.  Direct our hearts into Your love and into the steadfastness of Christ our Savior.  May we be faithful until the end, in Him who gives us faith and hope and love. Amen.

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