Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Matthew 4  Jesus went into the wilderness, led by the Spirit - to be tempted.  He fasted for 40 days.
He became hungry.. and then the "tempter came".
Jesus was not tempted to turn rocks into bread, because He lived by the Word of God alone.
Jesus was not tempted to throw Himself off the pinnacle of the temple, because He would not test His Father.
Jesus would not worship Satan, even for the reward of receiving all the nations, for He worshiped and served His Father only.

We can find strength to resist temptations in the example of our Savior;
We must live by the Word of God.
We must trust in Him alone.
And we must worship and serve Him always.

Satan focuses outward - to physical needs, physical well-being, and material possessions.

Jesus brings our focus to God - His Word, His Faithfulness, and His Sovereignty.  We have no need of anything that the world or Satan can offer us.  We need only that which our God has already provided..

Father in heaven, may we live according to Your Word, in faith, by Your grace.. and to Your glory. Amen.

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