Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Genesis 36  This chapter gives all the details of Esau's descendants. After Isaac died and Jacob and Esau buried him, both sons prospered until there was not enough room for them both.  Esau, who had given up his birthright and missed out on the blessing.. did the right thing and moved away.  The Lord made him and his descendants a nation - Edom.  Modern day Jordan is located where Edom once was...

Family.  Twin brothers.  Yet, God had a plan for Jacob/Israel that was so different than His plan for Esau.  God knew them both from before they were born.  He knew the choices they would make and the legacies they would leave. We are never told whether or not Esau worshiped the Lord.  I hope he did.  I hope that his choice to move away and let Jacob stay in the promised land is a sign that he came to believe and obey the Lord.

God knows us each by name.  He knows our hearts and He knows the choices we have made and those we will make in the future.  I am reminded again that He is always calling us to walk with Him and abide in Christ.. but it is up to us to hear His voice and obey.

Father, may we not harden our hearts or close our ears to Your voice.  May we seek You, because You have said that when we seek You, we will find You.  May we walk in faith, committed to the truth, covered by Your righteousness, and standing firm in the peace that You alone can give. Amen.

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