Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Genesis 24-26 Abraham sent his servant to Mesopotamia to find a bride for Isaac from his family.  He finds Rebekah, the daughter of Bethuel,  the granddaughter of Nahor ( Abraham's brother)  and Milcah.

Isaac and Rebekah become the parents of twin boys, Esau and Jacob.  These two are so different from one another that they don't even appear to be brothers, let alone twins.  Isaac, like his father Abraham, wanders all over the land.  He also pulls the same kind of stunt as Abraham before Abimelech... calling Rebekah his sister instead of his wife.  Nevertheless, God chose to bless Isaac and he became rich and powerful.  He seems to finally find a place to settle down - Beersheba.

We are never told that Isaac had great faith or that he accomplished anything in particular  for the Lord. He did call upon the name of the Lord and build an altar at one point( 26:25), and the blessing of the Lord was apparent to others. ( 26:29)

Isaac was blessed by the Lord because the Lord chose to bless him. It is through his son Jacob that his line will lead to Jesus.   We do well to remember that it is the Lord who is sovereign and all wise.  He chooses us so that we might come to Him and find faith and salvation.  All of grace!

Father in heaven, we bow before You and worship You. We call on Your name and seek Your face.  We are thankful for every blessing that You pour out upon us. We are thankful for every trial or trouble that causes us to draw closer to You and works out for our good.  Just as You moved Isaac to where he should be, You move us.  You see our past and those who came before us and see our future and those who will come after us.  May we be faithful.  Help us to trust and obey, even as these men of old did.  We are dependent upon You.. for grace and mercy, just like they were.  Be exalted in our lives as You have been in theirs.  In Christ Jesus we abide and in His name we pray. Amen.

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