Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Amos 6  - In spite of all the warnings.. by Amos and other prophets.. Israel sat "at ease" and felt "secure in the mountain of Samaria".   They thought they were untouchable.. They reclined on beds of ivory, sprawled on their couches( in drunken stupor) , ate the choices meat, played their songs.. trying to imitate the psalmists, and drank wine by the bowlful.. They were the epitome of hedonism.. living in luxury with no concern for their nation. Arrogant and self-centered.. they were loathed by God, and He was going to deliver them up to exile.

Again, Amos warns them.. disaster is coming!  It will be complete.  From the northern border to the southern tip - all of Israel would be "Lo-debar"  - nothing!

Our nation is beginning to look a lot like Israel. There are many rich and arrogant people who live the same way as those who were described by Amos - drunken, oblivious, self-centered... and facing the judgement of God.  They have "turned justice into poison"  and "the fruit of righteousness into wormwood".  It has been spilling over the whole country during this election season especially!
Worse than ever before - the bitter accusations and angry, hateful speeches.. are flying through the airwaves.

Lord, help us to heed the warnings of Your Word!  You are the Lord of hosts, Jehovah, Adonai, and we hallow Your name. You call us to seek You with all our hearts and we seek You.  You call us to follow Your Son, and we will follow.  By Your Spirit's power in us.. we live.. in faith and in obedience.  We want Your will to be done and for Your Kingdom to come.  May it be so. Amen.

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