Wednesday, October 10, 2018

I Corinthians 12  Paul begins to explain to the church what the truth is about spiritual gifts.  To me, I feel the need to remember and claim what Paul said way back in chapter 2, verse 16 : " But we have the mind of Christ".   We can understand spiritual matters, because we have spiritual thoughts and words taught by the Spirit who is from God "that we might know the things freely given us try God.." ( v12)

 Paul wants the church.. which includes us.. to be aware, not ignorant of the spiritual.. supernatural.. gifts of grace, that He provides for His people.  The Spirit of God, who teaches us the things of God, is manifested in each one "for the common good." ( 12:7)  Think of that - The Spirit of God is exhibited or expressed.. made apparent in each of us.. through spiritual/supernatural gifts/grace.

In verse 3 Paul gives a striking statement :   The Spirit of God is apparent and expressed in our lives as we make this statement, " Jesus is Lord".   We cannot make this sincere confession except by the Holy Spirit.  And, on top of that, if we have the Spirit of God we will NEVER say "Jesus is accursed." 

Verses 4-6 are very important.. showing us how all three members of the Triune God are involved in all Spiritual matters.. in particular the gifts of grace.

V. 4" Now there are varieties of gifts but the same Spirit."  Verses 8-11 detail these varieties, these different/diverse/distributions... wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, distinguishing spirits, tongues.. "But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually just as He wills. "  The Spirit manifests Himself in each of us.. in many different ways.. according to His will, for His purposes.

V.5 "And there are varieties of ministries and the same Lord."  Ministries - service.. Spiritual gifts are meant to serve the Lord by serving others.  We are all members of the body of Christ ( v27).  We are meant to serve one another and to serve together as a coordinated, healthy, united/whole- body.   ".. that there should be no division in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another.." ( v25)  Paul's argument is verses 13-26 make it plain that no one member of the body is more important than any other.. all are needed to make a whole and healthy body.. If one parts suffers.. all suffer.  If one is honored.. all rejoice! We are in Christ together and we need to act like it!

V.6 "And there are varieties of effects but the same God who works all things in all persons."
The effects of the spiritual gifts - are all in the Hands of God.. God inspired, God directed, and God honoring!   v18 tells us that "God has placed the members, each one of them, in the body, just as He desired."  v24 says that "God has so composed the body... " in perfect balance and wholeness.
He also appointed apostles, prophets, teachers, miracles, healings, helps, administrations, and tongues.. for the church.  These are God's gifts.. for His purposes in caring for His Church, which is the body of Christ.

The Spirit distributes the gifts, so that the members of the Body can serve the Lord Jesus together and the Father brings about the effective and efficient results according to His will and purposes.  So , once again, Paul has taken a subject that was causing divisions and arguments.. and pointed us back to what is most important  - our God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Father in Heaven, You are Holy, Mighty, and so, so Gracious!  May Your Name be praised in all the earth!  Do in us as You will.. for Your will is perfect and wonderful.  Let the body of Christ be made whole and healthy as You have made us to be.  May the Holy Spirit be manifested in each of us according to Your desire, for the good of the Body... to the glory of Christ our Lord and to the praise of the Father.. amen.

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