Thursday, November 1, 2018

Amos 7-9  The Lord gives Amos three visions.. each of the destruction of Israel.  The first two - destruction by locusts and destruction by fire - terrify Amos and he asks God to pardon Israel and not allow this destruction. And, God relents.  But the third vision - the Lord using a plumb line - is not retracted.  Israel has failed to repent.. has missed the mark.. and will be torn down.

The sins of Israel are again spelled out in chapter 8.. they trampled the needy by their greed and fraudulent business practices.  They couldn't wait for the sabbath or the sacred times to be over, so they could get back to the work of earning more money.  They cheated with "dishonest scales".
They oppressed the poor and took advantage of the needy.  Judgement for these sins would be completed.  There would be great mourning.  There would be a famine.. "not a famine for bread or a thirst for water, but rather for hearing the words of the Lord."  Israel would "fall and not rise again". 

The nation of Israel consisted of the 10 northern tribes, begun by the rebel Jeroboam.  It went into exile and never returned.  Judah, the remaining two tribes, also went into exile, but returned from Babylon.  There was a remnant that remained.. which became, eventually, what we now call Israel.

God is not through with His people.  He saw their sins.  He punished them for those sins.  But He has not forsaken His people.  Chapter 9 is a word of hope, a coming restoration of Israel that has not happened yet.  A time when it will be "rebuilt.. as in the days of old."  A time when great prosperity will overflow.. "And they will not again be rooted out from their land which I have given them, says the Lord your God. "

Father in heaven, Your Word is certain and the day is coming when Israel, Your people, will once again live for You in the land You have given them.  All of us, who are Yours,  will rejoice to see that day.  We pray for the peace of Jerusalem, as You have asked us to do.  We pray that they will seek You and find You.  We pray for repentance and for restoration.  And we pray that they will know their Messiah, Jesus Christ.  Be exalted in all the nations.. You who created heaven and earth and Who reigns eternal.  Amen.

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