Friday, October 5, 2018

I Corinthians 10  Paul continues to teach that it is better to live in a way that edifies than it is to live in a way that displays our own rights or strengths.. or knowledge.

Israel is an example of this point that Paul wants to make.  Although all of Israel went through the Red Sea and all of them walked "under the cloud" (baptized) ; although all of them ate of the "spiritual bread" and drank the "spiritual drink" - from the Rock, which is Jesus..  not all of them pleased God.
Some were idolaters.
Some were immoral.
Some were grumblers.
Some of them tested the Lord.
Some of them were destroyed..

Paul says that these things are examples to us and we can gain instructions for our own lives through them.   "Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall."  We are no different than them.
The same temptations that Israel had in the wilderness tempt each of us.

But "God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, that you may be able to endure it."  Idolatry, immorality, grumbling, and testing the Lord.. were still temptations to the church people in Corinth.. and for us today.  So, how do we handle these temptations?

Paul takes us back to Jesus.. when we take communion, Paul says, we drink "the cup of blessing" -and when we do that we are "sharing in the blood of Christ".  And, when we partake of the "bread which we break", we are "sharing in the body of Christ".  Sharing - koinonia - partnership; participation; fellowship; communion;  - We are brought into an intimate relationship with our Savior.

Israel shared in the sacrifices that they offered on the altar of the Temple.   They had communion with God.  Likewise idolaters partake, share in the sacrifices that they offer.. which are actually demons.
Paul says, " I do not want you to become sharers with demons."  He goes on to say " You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons. "  And even though they know that idols are nothing and that all things are lawful - they needed to think about the fact that "not all things edify".. not everything is good.

Yes, the Lord created it all.  Everything belongs to Him.  And we are thankful for all that He provides. But, if we, or our friend or neighbor, are bothered in our consciences about something.. then we need to take heed of that and choose to not give "offense".   Here is the bottom line then, "Whether then you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." 

How do we eat, drink, or act.. "to the glory of God"?  By doing only the things that edify.. that seek the good of others.. that brings others to Christ.  We act in conscious, deliberate, and diligent partnership with Jesus.  We abide in Him, walk in His Spirit, and surrender every part of our lives to Him.  And, we remember that He will give us the way out of every temptation as we rest in His faithfulness.

Father in Heaven,  we ask once again to be filled with Your Spirit,  made complete in Christ... so that we can live in this way of partnership.. koinonia with our Lord Jesus Christ.  Open our understanding.. we have the mind of Christ.. help us to grasp that truth and walk faithfully in Him.
Thank You for loving us and for knowing us.. knowing our weaknesses and failures, and loving us anyway... for helping us to escape temptations and sin..for giving us strength to endure.  Keep us now in Your perfect peace, for our minds are stayed on You.  In the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus we pray. Amen.

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