Friday, October 12, 2018

 I find myself still thinking about Corinthians 12:7 " But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good." The dictionary defines manifest as : palpable, evident, apparent to the senses.. to sight, to the mind, obvious; clear; plain; .. reveal; prove; be evidence of... to show itself;

The Spirit of God reveals Himself, gives evidence of Himself; makes Himself obvious - visible - exhibits Himself; expresses Himself - in each one of us.. in a variety of ways.. supernatural ways - for the "common good" - [sumphero] - to bear together; contribute; to collect;  to be better for, bring together; be expedient for; be good for; be profitable for;

As Paul explains this in terms of a body - with many parts - all of them important - all of them needed to work together.. to contribute to the wholeness and health of the body - this begins to lift us away from selfish and self-centered, prideful thinking.  It focuses us on the purpose of spiritual gifts - the Spirit's gift to us as a whole - to bring us together, whole, healthy, thriving- to make us effective ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ, to the glory of God. 

And.. if love is missing... it just won't work.

So Paul begins chapter 14 with " Pursue love.. "
Yet, he still has more to say about "spiritual gifts".. in fact he encourages the church to " desire earnestly spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy".   To be an inspired speaker - to speak divine words - words that edify the church; to bring us together; to contribute to the health of the whole body.  Yet also,  divine words that convict and call to account the unsaved so that  he will "fall on his face and worship God, declaring that God is certainly among you. " (v24-25)

Over and over Paul emphasizes that spiritual gifts are for edification.... to build the church - to build the family -  to instruct and to exhort.  The words of prophesy are meant to be clear and with meaning that can edify all who hear it.  Words spoken in "tongues", unless they can be interpreted.. do not have meaning and do not edify anyone.  This does not mean that anyone with the gift of tongues should not speak - but they either need to have an interpretation or they need to keep it between themselves and the Lord.

One more thing that Paul emphasizes is the need for peace as opposed to confusion.  For this to happen he teaches, " .. let all things be done properly and in an orderly manner."  It is for this reason that Paul makes his statement about women speaking in the churches.  Not that they should never speak.. but that both men and women need to avoid any confusion and disruption while they are meeting together.  The Holy Spirit can make Himself known through and in a woman just as easily as a man.. but He will never do it in a way that does not edify the whole body.. the whole church.

Father in heaven,  continue the work of the Holy Spirit in each of, enabling us to love one another, build up one another, and minister to the whole body of Christ.  Help us to love.. as You have loved us.  Grant to us spiritual gifts - inspiring us to speak Your Words of love and life and peace.  May the gospel of Jesus Christ be spoken with power by Your Holy Spirit in us.  To the glory of Your Name in all the earth. Amen!

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