Friday, October 19, 2018

I Corinthians 15 - continued... Reassuring and exhorting the church in Corinth - that Jesus was indeed resurrected from the dead and now lives- Paul goes on to teach that Jesus is the "first fruits of those who are asleep. "  Because of Adam's sin death entered the world, but because of Christ's death and resurrection - "all shall be made alive." 

There is a time that is coming when Christ will return,  He will "deliver up the kingdom to the God and Father".  He will "abolish all rule and all authority and power."  He will "reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet."   And.. " The last enemy that will be abolished is death."

The rest of the chapter contains Paul's teaching on the mystery of the resurrection..

In the end.. when all things have been subjected to Jesus, then He will deliver it all up to the Father and submit Himself also, that "God may be all in all." Because there is a resurrection .. we can rejoice in this truth.

The truth is:

This natural body will die.. but it is like a seed that is planted.
A seed does not look like the crop it produces.. it is quite different.
When we are resurrected, we will be imperishable. v42
Our dead earthly bodies will be "sown in dishonor", but our resurrected body will  be "raised in glory". v43
Our weakness in these bodies will be gone, our resurrected body will be "raised in power". 
We have a natural body.. like Adam had.
We will have a "spiritual body" - like Jesus!
No longer earthly.. we will be "heavenly"!
We will "bear the image of the heavenly". v49

No longer perishable.. but imperishable.
No longer mortal.. but immortal.
No longer subject to death.. but victorious in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Because of these truths, Paul says, " be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord."

Father in heaven,  we put on the belt of truth and take up the Word of God.  We rejoice and give thanks for the hope You have given us in Jesus Christ our Savior.  As our bodies grow older and begin to be weak and we recognize all too well that we are mortal and perishable.. we thank You all the more for the coming day when we will be resurrected to imperishable, immortal, spiritual bodies, that bear the image of heaven!  Wow.  That is such an awesome truth.. we thank You and praise You!
Keep us steadfast and immovable in Christ our Rock.  We pray in His name. Amen.

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