Monday, October 29, 2018

Amos 4  The women of Israel.. the rich, spoiled, greedy women... demanded more and more from their husbands, who then oppressed the poor and needy in order to satisfy their wives.  The Lord calls them "cows of Bashan".   Well- fed.. pampered.. and ruthless.  Because of their actions and those of their husbands.. God swears "by His holiness".. to judge and punish them.  They would be taken away to captivity.  They would be thrown out of their luxury homes.. led through broken walls.. and if they gave their captors any trouble they would be strung together like  meat or fish on a hook and dragged away.  This would happen according to God's own oath.

In verses 4-5  Amos uses sarcasm to condemn Israel for the way they have transgressed against the Lord in their religious practices.  "Enter Bethel and transgress; In Gilgal multiply transgressions."
They brought sacrifices... they paid tithes.. they offered thanks offerings and freewill offerings.. they "loved to do" so.. but, it was all worthless and offended the One True God.  It was a sham.  They did it to impress others, to brag about their offerings.  They actually offered sacrifices that they took from those they oppressed and stole from.  God condemned them for their hypocrisy and for breaking their covenant promise with Him.

In verses 6 -11 Amos records these words 5 times, " Yet you have not returned to Me..declares the Lord."  He chastised them for their transgressions just as He said He would..

He sent a famine.
He withheld the rain.
He sent mildew, caterpillars, and scorching wind to destroy their crops.
He sent a plague.
He sent fire.
And each time.. they ignored Him and refused to repent and return to Him.

In Leviticus 26, and again in Deuteronomy 28 and I Kings 8.. the Lord warned Israel of the penalties of disobedience to His commandments.
Leviticus 26:16 - "I , in turn will do this to you: I will appoint over you a sudden terror, consumption and fever that shall waste away the eyes and cause the soul to pine away; also you shall sow seed uselessly, for your enemies will eat it up."   Famine, plague, pestilence, desolation.. and exile.. are all promised in Leviticus 26.. punishment for rejecting and disobeying God's Word.

Deuteronomy 28:47 says this, " Because you did not serve the Lord your God with joy and a glad heart, for the abundance of all things; therefore you shall serve your enemies whom the Lord shall send against you, in hunger, in thirst, in nakedness, and in the lack of all things; and He will put an iron yoke on your neck until He has destroyed you. "

They knew the consequences of their sinfulness.. but they still rebelled against the Lord.  Amos makes this powerful statement.. " Prepare to meet your God, O Israel". 

The "Lord God of hosts.. "  Jehovah, Elohiym... The self-existent, supreme, exceedingly great judge and mighty God .. who formed the mountains and "creates the wind".. Who "declares to man what are His thoughts... who makes the dawn into darkness and treads on the high places of the earth.. "  This is Who they will stand before.  Judgement is coming. And He did what He said He would do!

The Lord continues to deal with people in the same way as He did Israel.  We experience the trials of life.. and we choose to turn to Him or rebel against Him.  If we continue to ignore Him and refuse to repent and seek Him.. we will face the same consequences that Israel did.  God does not ignore sin!
Greediness, oppression, prideful hypocrisy.. just some of the sins of Israel.. present and active in our world today..

But, if we turn back to Him and seek Him with all of our hearts..  He promises that we will find Him!  He will forgive and restore us .. He will redeem us and bless us.   As Amos writes in the next chapter.. "Seek the Lord that you may live.. "   There is Hope in Jesus!  What amazing grace!

Father in heaven, hallowed is Your Name.. Jehovah Elohiym,  The Lord God of hosts.. Wonderful!  Blessed! Mighty! Savior!   We lift our praises up to You, for You alone are worthy of our worship.
Forgive us all of our trespasses and restore us to righteousness in Christ Jesus.  Sanctify us through and through that we might stand blameless before the throne.. clothed in His righteousness alone!
Thank You for the Word of God on which we stand.. and the Spirit who helps us to walk in the Truth.
Thank You for hearing our heart's cries and showing us mercy and grace.  In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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