Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Amos 1 - God chose Amos, a shepherd from a remote area, to be His voice.  In this first chapter Amos has been given a vision of judgement against the nations surrounding Israel and Judah.
Damascus, Gaza, Ashdod, Ekron, Tyre, Edom, Temon, and Ammon.... have all transgressed - revolted and rebelled against God.   Their transgressions are numbered:

Verses 3-5  -Damascus - they threshed Gilead. - its final and culminating sin that finally went beyond God's patience ; They were barbaric.  They tortured and mutilated the people of Gilead. This total disregard for human life would bring total and irrevocable judgement on them.

Their punishment would be fire that would consume the walls and fortresses of the city.
The breaking down of the gate.
The destruction of their king. The end of Hazael's dynasty.
The exile of the Arameans back to Kir, their place of origin.
" A complete reversal of Aram's proud history... obliterating all they had achieved" ( Bible Knowledge Commentary)
All of this was carried out by the Assyrians in 732 BC.

verses 6-8  Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon and Ekron were cities of the Philistines.  Their greatest and culminating sin that brought them under the severe judgement of God was that they would take whole communities into captivity and sell them in the trade markets in Edom.

Their punishment would be fire that would consume their walls and citadels.
The removal of their king.
The destruction of their people.
God's power was unleashed upon the Philistines by the Assyrians.

Verses 9-10 Tyre - also sold people into slavery.. but it was even worse than the Philistines, because they broke their "covenant of brotherhood" to do so.  At least some of those slaves were Israelites.

They also would receive punishment, fire would destroy their wall and their citadels.
Tyre was attacked by the troops of Alexander the Great in 332 BC. Many were killed, some by crucifixion.. and many sold into slavery themselves.

Verses 11-12 Edom... the descendants of Esau... " pursued his brother with the sword".  They had no compassion. They raged with anger "continually".

God would punish Edom with the armies of Assyria.  Its main strongholds in Teman and Bozrah were destroyed.  By the 5th century it was a wasteland.  Then the land was occupied by the Arabian tribe, Nabateans.

Verses 13-15 Ammon - Their most horrid sin was the practice of terrorizing their enemies by cruelly targeting pregnant women and slicing open their wombs, killing them and their unborn babies.  Preying on those most defenseless.. in order to gain more land.

God also used the Assyrians to punish Ammon.  Rabbah, the capital was set on fire.  God sent a violent wind to pour out His judgement on them. The king was taken into exile.

The things that anger the Lord are clear - bloodshed, oppression, betrayal, slave trading.. unrestrained anger, cruelty.   Our world is still full of this rebelliousness and sinfulness against Him and against each other.  His wrath will not be ignored.. and His patience will come to an end.  There is a time of judgement that will come against every nation that rebels against the Sovereign God.  And that includes the USA.

Father in Heaven,  may we come to repentance .. as a nation, for the transgressions that we have committed against You.  Please help us to stop the bloodshed and the tyranny, the anger and bitterness,  and the heartless destruction on those most helpless.  Our nation is again facing an election that is so divisive and will lead us in two possible directions.  You know the future and we put our hope in You, Lord.  Lead us into truth and righteousness.  May our leaders be able to find ways for peace and goodness to return.  Above all, Lord God, may Christ reign!  Let Your Kingdom come and You will be done.. in His Name. Amen.

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