Monday, October 8, 2018

I Corinthians 11  The first 16 verses of this chapter are focused on a question that the Corinthians had about head coverings.  In the Jewish culture, a man covers his head to worship.  In the Greek culture, a man would remove a hat or covering.  In the Jewish culture, a woman would not have anything on her head except her hair.. and in the Greek culture, a woman should cover her head.  As new Christians, living in a Greek environment, but knowing the Jewish roots of christianity.. there was confusion in which was right.

Paul answered their question by going to the truth that would dictate all of their behavior -
God is the Supreme head of everything.. even Christ.
Christ is the "head of every man". 
".. the man is the head of a woman" ( head of the household)
This is the bottom line - from Creation, when God made a woman from Adam's rib.. for his sake.
Yet, God also created women for the purpose of producing offspring.. so that also is something to remember.

So, based on that truth Paul says, "Judge for yourselves: is it proper for a woman to pray to God with head uncovered?"  It is a decision that each woman must make for herself.. is it a act that is disgraceful...  or does it disgrace her husband one way or another?  Does it show honor to her husband or is it pleasing to the Lord?

The same test is applied to having long or short hair.  In Paul's time a woman kept her hair long and it was shameful to have it cut off.  A man who had long hair would be considered dishonorable.  The christians in Corinth should consider what would bring honor to the Lord and act accordingly.

We also can heed this advice and consider how we dress and act, and yes, even how we wear our hair .. and do what we discern is honoring to our Lord... for we belong to Him. 

In the rest of this chapter Paul confronts the church again for their divisions between them.  The worst part of this had been evident in their communions services!  If there was any time that Christians should have been unified.. it was during this time when they were partaking of the bread and the wine in remembrance of the Lord!  As he had already written, " Since there is one bread, we who are many are one body; for we all partake of the one bread."   Instead there were some who got drunk.. and some who were going hungry.  It had become a battle between the "haves" and the "have nots".  Each group was judging and condemning the other.  

This, Paul says,  is "in an unworthy manner".  They needed to focus on judging themselves, not others.  They needed to repent and submit themselves to the Lord.   The participation in Communion together was to be a celebration in remembrance of the Lord Jesus who gave His body and shed His blood.. the New Covenant... that all of those who believe in Him become sharers of.. together. 

One thing that we do not do anymore, but I wish we would do again.. was after we shared communion together in our church.. the whole congregation would stand up and join hands together and sing, "Bless be the tie that binds, our hearts in Christian love.. the fellowship of kindred hearts.. is like to that above."  What a wonderful reminder that we are all sharers together in the body of Christ.
And, we will be so throughout eternity!

O Father in heaven, You have done a great work in us.. through Christ we are made to be one body.  Yet, Lord we still need the sanctifying work of Your Spirit to dissolve every barrier between us and our brothers and sisters in Christ.  May Your church rise up and live in every way that honors You and brings You glory in heaven and on this earth. We ask this in the name of our Wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ. amen.

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