Monday, October 22, 2018

I Corinthians 16  This closing portion of Paul's letter gives various instructions.. some having to do with relationships and some simple statements of the things are important :

" Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love." 

Actions... that prove the character of each man or woman in the church.
Be Alert - ready for the Lord's return.. looking for Him!
Stand firm - hold fast, persevere... abide in Him by faith.
Be courageous, mature, strong in the Lord.
And above all things - love.

Paul talks about respecting worthy leaders, being subject to them and helping them as they do the work of ministry.  These actions also reveal a heart yielded to the Lord Jesus.

Paul began this letter appealing to the church to be united.. united in Christ, their Head.
He reminded them ( and us) that the only focus they need is Jesus Christ.. crucified and resurrected!
He appealed to his readers to grow up - in the Truth and Righteousness of Christ.
He taught them about what is best - living for Christ with humility and loving one another.
And, he reminded them of the great hope that  they ( and we)  have in Christ - that we will be resurrected just like Jesus - imperishable, immortal.. eternally with our Lord.

We can be steadfast, immovable, and abounding in the work of the Lord - because of all that God has done.. for us... in us... and through us!  Praise His holy Name!

Thank you Father for Your power and glory and strength - given to us for the good of the church, the body of Christ.  May we walk in a manner worthy of Your calling.  May we grow in grace and in the knowledge of our God and of the Lord, Jesus Christ.  We praise You and worship You, for You alone are God and there is no other!  Amen.

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