Tuesday, October 16, 2018

10-16-18   I've been thinking about I Corinthians12:7 - still!  The other night I had one of those wide awake instead of sound asleep times, and I began meditating on that verse again.. the "manifestation of the Spirit" - and the definition of manifest - made known to the senses.. and I just need to write this down..

In the Old Testament times, specifically during the Exodus, God manifested Himself to the nation of Israel -  He revealed Himself to their senses:

They saw the fire by night and the cloud by day.
They heard the thunder from Mount Sinai.
They tasted the manna every day for 40 years.
They drank the water that flowed from the Rock.
They touched the dry ground as they walked through the Red Sea.

When God directed Moses in the building of the tabernacle and later on when Solomon built the temple - His purpose was to manifest His Presence with them:
They saw the beauty of the carvings and colors and gold coverings.
They heard the music of the psalms and the instruments of worship.
They tasted the bread and the wine.. and certain offerings of grain, lamb, etc.
They smelled the burnt offerings of morning and evening..
They touched the head of a sin offering.. taking their place.. dying for their sinfulness.

But, when Jesus came - He came as the image of the invisible God!
He walked on this earth so that men could:
See- the beauty of His holiness and the horror of His sacrifice.. for our sins.
Hear - The words of love and redemption.. the Truth of the Gospel.
Taste - the bread and the wine that symbolize His broken body and His shed blood.
Smell - the fragrance of life to those who believe.
Touch - the hem of His garment; the healing hand that touched even those no one ever touched.

And now, we have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit..
Seen in the love and compassion of Christ's disciples.
Heard in the words of prophecy and teaching of the Word, the Gospel of salvation.
Tasted in the good works done in faith- towards each other and towards even the enemy.
Touched by healing hands and acts of hospitality.
Smell - well, I guess that is still the sweet fragrance of the Presence of our Lord..

Anyway, this is what I have been thinking about lately..

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