Thursday, October 11, 2018

I Corinthians 13  - It is in the context of this discussion about spiritual gifts - the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in each believer,  for the ministry of the Lord Jesus, according to the will of the Father - that Paul pens this beautiful and amazing song of love..

The church members in Corinth were not wrong in desiring spiritual gifts, but their desires were wrongly motivated..  they were full of envy and pride... they were judgmental of each other, and they were divided because of this.  Their focus was on the gifts.. not on the Giver.  The spiritual gifts were viewed as personal accomplishments.. instead of revealing the presence of the
Spirit of God...

Paul says there is " a still more excellent way."  No matter what gift the Spirit of God distributes to any individual... it is entirely useless without the love of God included.  The spiritual gifts are gifts of grace - meant for the Body of Christ and the glory of God.. done without love - they are nothing.

Since love is patient - a spiritual gift, manifesting the Spirit of God, will display patience towards others.
Since love is kind and not jealous - no spiritual gift should be envied or used to judge another cruelly.
Since love does not brag or become arrogant - a believer should never boast or be prideful because God has given him a particular spiritual gift.
Since love does not act unbecomingly, does not seek its own, is not provoked.. and doesn't take account of wrongs... a spirit filled and gifted speaker, prophet, healer, or whatever.. should only speak or act with unselfish or un-self-centered/other focused words and actions.

Love that rejoices, bears with all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.. and never fails will outlast any spiritual gift.  Prophecy, tongues, knowledge... Paul says.. will be done away with eventually.  But love will last.  Faith and hope are important.. vital to this life.. but love is forever.

Father in heaven,  straighten out our ways of thinking according to Your Word.. Help us to see Your truths with new eyes and to surrender to Your ways of love in all we do and say.. May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.   In the name of Jesus Christ the Lord we pray.. amen.

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