Thursday, October 25, 2018

Amos 2  Moab is also judged for her rebellion against the Lord.. with one of those transgressions being that they dug up the graves of Edom's kings and burned their bones to powder.  It was an act of great offense to desecrate a grave like this.   God's punishment upon them, like the other Gentile nations, was the destruction of their citadels and the slaying of their leaders.  This was accomplished by the Assyrians.

Amos now turns to the trespasses of Israel and Judah.  The judgements against the foreign nations was one thing.. but now, it gets personal.

Judah - rejected the Law of the Lord.  They did not keep His statutes.  They lived lies.  They were idolators.

Israel's sins are spelled out in even more detail:
They sold their brethren for money.
They sold the poor for the price of a pair of sandals.
They stomped on the helpless.
They practiced immorality.
They profaned the Lord's name.
They illegally kept the pledges of others... oppressing them and even threatening their lives.
They took the wine that they falsely extracted as fines.. and toasted idols.

God reminds Israel of His provisions for her..
He brought them out of Egypt.
He moved out the Amorites and others from the land.
He led them in the wilderness.
He gave them prophets and Nazirites.

In spite of all that God had done to establish Israel.. they rebelled again Him over and over.
Judgement was coming... and no one would escape.
The fastest runner cannot outrun the Lord.
The strongest warrior cannot escape God's sword.
The bravest of them would be just as naked before God as all the rest.

We have nothing that has not come from the hand of God. When we fail to remember this and we choose not to honor Him.. we profane His holy name. We are rebellious.  The wrath of God is just. The punishment for our transgressions is thorough.

Father in heaven,  forgive us this day our transgressions.. our every act of rebellion, pride, and arrogance. Forgive us for failing to recognize Your image in every one of Your creations.. for failing to give respect where it is due.. for failing to show compassion when we can. For acting in any way that falls short of Your will.. that is un-Christlike.
Lead us Lord, in paths of righteousness for Your Name's sake.
Deliver us from the evil one.
May all glory and honor and praise be to You alone, Lord.
Thank You for bringing us into the Kingdom of the Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.  For redeeming us, cleansing us, and for giving us new life in Him. Fill us with Your Spirit that we may exhibit Your glory to all those we meet.
We pray in the Wonderful name, the name of Jesus . Amen.

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