Wednesday, October 3, 2018

I Corinthians 8 - Knowledge vs love..

Paul is addressing the question of whether or not the christians in Corinth should or should not eat meat that has come from the idol sacrifice.

On one hand, Paul says, that since idols are nothing - and food really doesn't make any spiritual difference - then it's ok.. but.. there is a more important thing that they needed to consider - their fellow christians.    There were new and/or weaker christians in the church that still needed to grow spiritually.  To them, idols were still significant.. an ingrained part of their lives,  their thinking and understanding.  They were still real.  So the sacrifice that was set apart to that particular idol, would signify a connection with that idol.  For them to partake of it would jeopardize their faith in the One true God.  This is something so much more important than a piece of meat!

It would be better, Paul teaches, to act out of love for your fellow christian.. than to cause them to stumble in their faith.  Love is more important than "knowledge"... and way more important than their appetite. 

Verse 6 stands out as something to really meditate on:

 ".. yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom are all things, and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him." 

Make this a personal statement.  I come from the Father and I exist for Him.  I was brought into being by Jesus and I exist through Him.  Add verse 3.. "if anyone ( including me) loves God, he is known by Him."   It is more important that I love God (and others).. that He knows me..  than it is that I have knowledge!  This takes us back to the whole lesson that Paul wrote in the beginning of his letter -  the true wisdom versus the foolishness of man.  Once again we are led to focus on the only thing that is truly important - Jesus Christ and Him crucified.  By His death - that great price -  we have been bought..
We belong to Him and live through Him. So everything in our lives.. should be submitted to Him.

Father, teach us Your ways.. Your truth.. Your righteousness.. so that we can live in ways that please You.  Let love be our measure and our motive in all we do, say, and believe .  Thank You for loving us and bringing us into Your light and out of darkness.  Sanctify us through and through.  In Jesus.. through whom we exist.. we pray. Amen.

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