Monday, April 2, 2018

John 1  - ( see previous posts from January 16-19, 2015)

The Word -  was with God, is God, and brought everything into being in the beginning.
Jesus, the Lamb of God, the only begotten of the Father -
"the true light"
"the Word made flesh"
"full of grace and truth"
"the Messiah" 
"the Son of God"

The testimony of John the Baptist is recorded by John the apostle.
John's purpose in life and the reason for his calling was for this one moment of time - to bear witness:
that we might believe - that Jesus is the light;
that He has a "higher rank"; - He has all authority!
that He "existed before me"  He is eternal
that He is "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world"; - He is Savior
that the Spirit descended on Him and remained on Him; - He is the anointed One
and that He " is the Son of God". He is the One that fulfills all the prophecies. 

As John was called to bear witness of who Jesus is.. we, who receive Him..
we, who have been given the "right to become children of God" ;
we, who have "believed on His name";
we who have been born.. by the will of God...
are also called to bear witness of Who Jesus is - and to do so we must first come  to know Him,  to see Him in His glory,  to follow Him., and  to receive His fulness of grace and truth.

Do we believe that Jesus is the Light - the true light of the world?  Do we believe that the darkness cannot comprehend Him, nor can it overcome Him?
Do we believe that He has absolute authority over all things?
Do we believe that He has always existed and always will?
Do we believe that He is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.. who takes away our sin?
Do we believe that He is the anointed Christ, sent from the Father, baptized by the Spirit - the Son of God - the Word, who is God?

If we believe this then we are called to bear witness of these truths!

Father in heaven,  let these truths be driven deeper into our hearts and minds.  Let them be the bread of our souls, the essence of our lives, the air that we breathe.. that we might recieve the fulness of Christ our Lord - " and grace upon grace".  May we continually come and see.. believe, receive, and find You.. Make Your Presence known to us today, I pray, in the name of Jesus. amen .

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