Wednesday, April 18, 2018

John 8 - continued

The next conversation Jesus has with the Pharisees starts when He tells them that He is going away, that they will seek Him, and they cannot come where He is going, but will die in their sins.

As usual, they are clueless as to what He is talking about.  Is Jesus going to kill Himself? they wonder.

Jesus, once again, reveals truth:

"You are from below, I am from above; you are of this world, I am not of this world." (v23)
They will "die in [their] sins"  because they do not believe that He is the Savior.
"Who are you?" they ask..
Jesus answers:
I've already told you from the beginning ..
I've told you that the One who sent Me is true...
I've told you that I only speak what I hear from Him..
I'm telling you now that when I am lifted up.. you will know who I am, that I do what the Father says,
 that I am who the Father sent, and that the Father is with Me.

With this answer we are told that "many came to believe in Him". (v30)

Truth is found, Jesus tells us, in abiding in His word.
Truth is the source of freedom.
Sin is the slave master that is worse than any other.
The Son is the Freedom giver.

This leads to another deep discussion.. which I will tackle tomorrow!

Father, You have given us Your Word.. sent from above to reveal truth to our deceived souls.  Help us to seek You always, to walk in Your Light, and to abide in Jesus .  Give us ears to hear and hearts to receive , we ask this again in His Name.  Jesus, Son of God, thank You for making us truly free. Amen.

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